Café Babette

Deep See
The Great Learning Orchestra / Music for Restaurants

The Great Learning Orchestra is a network of more than 100 musicians from different genres, cities and countries who come together under the GLO umbrella to explore music where listening is the main purpose. The orchestra is based in Stockholm but works with composers and musicians from around the world. The GLO formed in 1999 and have since created projects with a number of pieces from the modern experimental stage with composers such as Leah Asher, Gavin Bryars, Christina Campanella, Arnold Dreyblatt, Ida Lundén, Pauline Oliveros, Terry Riley and JG Thirlwell.

The orchestra's name is taken from the British composer Cornelius Cardew's work The Great Learning (1968) written for The Scratch Orchestra - a group of musicians, composers, artists and philosophy students - and should be read with emphasis on each word:

Great (many) – Learning – Orchestra (playing)

Central to the basic practice of the GLO is the desire to create a forum where musicians from different genres with different backgrounds can meet and play pieces in the area between notated and improvised music.


Deep See.